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Rockland Community Against Hunger

Rockland Jewish Family Service / Rockland Community Against Hunger

Rockland Community Against Hunger (RCAH) brings members of the community together in collaboration to address issues of hunger in Rockland County and to help those in need. The organization is made up of representatives from local food pantries including Rockland Jewish Family Service’s Rhoda Bloom Kosher Food Pantry and other feeding programs, government agencies, community groups and the Food Bank of the Hudson Valley. Together we have distributed almost one million pounds of food since 2010. Our mission is to insure that no one in Rockland County goes hungry, and to educate residents about nutrition and healthy eating. Learn more at

RCAH Kickoff Event

A kickoff event for took place at the Jewish Community Campus in West Nyack on June 24, 2013. Attendees joined RCAH representatives for a “Rockland Get Fresh” delivery, where over 25,000 pounds of food from the Northeast Regional Food Bank and Food Bank of the Hudson Valley was distributed for free to 30+ local food pantries and feeding programs. Ellen Jaffee, New York State Assemblywoman and Chair of the NYS Farm, Food and Nutrition Policy Advisory Committee, was the event’s guest speaker.

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