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2024 Summer Sweepstakes

Rockland Jewish Family Service / 2024 Summer Sweepstakes

PRIZE DETAILS are available here.  |  Be sure to read our FULL CONTEST RULES.

Support RJFS and Support YOUR Community

Enter below for a chance to win prizes and a GUARANTEE to help support the community services of RJFS! We depend on donations from fundraisers like this one to help fill the gaps that are inevitable for a community service agency funded by grants. Donors like you ensure we can serve the most people possible at our food pantry. And you make our services to Holocaust survivors and seniors throughout Rockland County more dependable and robust. You keep our mental health therapy programs and our services for Autistic adults, teens and children going strong.

To enter offline, please print THIS FORM and return it to our office with your payment.

All of our clients, from all of our varied programs, benefit from your donations. Thank you for your support!